miércoles, agosto 24, 2005

Vacation and friends

Not long ago, my friends and I have organized a trip. Since we finished our studies we don't see each other as much as we'd like and we don't want to lose contact by any means.
The idea of going on trips together came up when we went to Egypt. There we all were (well, almost all of us, an important one was missing), basking on the sun, enjoying the boat, the good food, the hikings visiting incredible things, the strides on faluca, the camel convoys and that unbelievable landscape in the middle of February, right after the exams. It seemed like the time had stopped and we were stuck in a dream.
In that trip, we discovered we were better friends than what we thought, we liked being around each other, we loved to gossip and have tea while the hours passed. That's why we organized the trip to Germany last March. That's why we've gone to this trip in August. To tell the truth, it's been quite brief (never said better), but in this new adventure, we've realized that the true friendship is when you spend a year apart from each other and when you meet again, it's like that time apart never happened. This post is for my buddies, cause we all are a pineapple and we will always be together, even though some of you are sometimes running wild or your duties keep you away for a while. Besides, no one should ever think we travel anywhere. We choose our destinations with love and care, they are selected, both national and international. Where will we go on our next adventure?

Las vacaciones y los amigos

Hace poco, mis amigos y yo organizamos una mini-escapada. Desde que hemos acabado la universidad ya no nos vemos tanto como quisiéramos y, por nada del mundo, queremos perder el contacto.
La idea de irnos juntos de vacaciones de vez en cuando surgió en Egipto. Allí estábamos todos (bueno, casi todos, nos faltaba uno importante), disfrutando del sol, el barco, la buena comida, las caminatas viendo cosas increíbles, los paseos en faluca, las caravanas de camellos y aquel increíble paisaje en pleno febrero, justo después de los exámenes. Parecía que el tiempo se había detenido y habíamos acabado atrapados en un sueño.

En ese viaje descubrimos que éramos mejores amigos de lo que pensábamos, que nos gustaba estar juntos, que nos gustaba cotillear y sentarnos a tomar el té mientras dejábamos pasar las horas.
Por eso organizamos el viaje a Alemania en marzo. Por eso hemos hecho esta mini-escapada en agosto.

La verdad es que ha sido fugaz (y nunca mejor dicho), pero en este nuevo viaje nos hemos dado cuenta de que la verdadera amistad es cuando pasas un año sin ver a alguien y, cuando te vuelves a encontrar, es como si nunca hubiérais estado separados.

Este post es para mis piñones, porque todos formamos parte de la piña y siempre estaremos juntos, aunque algunos piñones anden un poco despendolados o los deberes les tengan apartados momentáneamente. Además, que nadie piense que nos vamos a cualquier parte. Nuestros destinos son elegidos con cuidado y mimo, son de lo más selectos, ya sean nacionales o internacionales. ¿A dónde iremos en nuestra próxima aventura?

lunes, agosto 22, 2005

Celtic music

Well, as I'm here to introduce you to new things, among other things, I'm going to link you to a page that you might be interested in if you like music.
Some friends of mine from the north of Spain have a group of celtic music and, as they're very intelligent, they've upload their music to the net. I'm going to give you this link, which leads to the page where they've uploaded some songs so you can have a taste of their album. If you like it, you can buy it for the incredible price of 3 euros.I think it's not the regular celtic music, but I like what they've done. You'll judge yourselves when you listen to it.
There! Enjoy!

domingo, agosto 21, 2005

Música celta

Bueno, como estoy aquí para daros a conocer cosas nuevas, entre otras cosas, os voy a poner una página que os puede interesar si sois melómanos.
Unos amigos asturianos tienen un grupo de música celta y, como son inteligentes, han colgado su música en Internet. Os voy a poner este enlace, que os lleva a una página donde han puesto unas canciones para que probéis el disco. Si os gusta, podéis comprar el disco entero por el módico precio de 3 euros.A mí me ha parecido que no es una música celta corriente, y me gusta lo que han hecho. Vosotros juzgaréis por vosotros mismos cuando lo oigáis.
¡Hala! ¡A disfrutar!

lunes, agosto 08, 2005

Sometimes translation sucks

Today, there is an article on the New York Times telling a translator who worked for a defense lawyer, faces 20 years behind bars for colaborating with terrorists. I don't know whether he's innocent or not, or whether he knew what his client was doing, but it's clear to me that the translator's job is not "a piece of cake", like some say.
In school we've always been told that you can make two kinds of translation. One in which you are transparent, you're unseen, and you only reflect what the author wanted to say. But then you can translate leaking your opinions, using it to vindicate your political or social thoughts, or whatever. Then the eternal question remains, how far can you go when you translate? Some think if you make the second kind of translation, you are not translating. You are making a statement about what some author wrote. If you don't stick to the original, you're not translating.
One of the best examples is "feminist translation". The women who started this movement talk about translator's responsability, decision-making, visibility, intervention, opinions.
And then, I think, there are those documents so political themselves that you have to be careful not to change the political aspects of them and not to make the author say things he hasn't said.
Man, ain't this tough!!

domingo, agosto 07, 2005


For a long time I've thought that americans where assholes with no brains, and actually they didn't do anything to contradict that. But lately, we've been watching a show that's making me changing my mind. I'm realizing that, even in serious disadvantage, there is a small portion of american population who doesn't spend their time sticking pointy things in their body orifices or driving their pick-ups with half an arm out of the window and a can of beer in one hand.
I had already read the articles that Noam Chomsky writes, but I always thought he was the black sheep in the herd, that nobody heeded him. But the other day, he appeared on the Bill Maher's show. This is the show we've been watching, and I have to say that I feel relieved seeing that there are some upright people, even in the most unexpected places.

sábado, agosto 06, 2005

Empezando a cambiar

Durante mucho tiempo he pensado que los americanos eran unos capullos integrales sin cerebro, y la verdad es que no parecía que hicieran nada para desmentirlo. Pero últimamente estamos viendo un programa que te hace cambiar de opinión. Te das cuenta de que, aunque en seria desventaja, hay una pequeña porción de la población americana que no se dedica a meterse objetos punzantes por los orificios corporales o a conducir sus camionetas con un brazo por fuera de la ventanilla y una cerveza en la mano.
Ya había visto los artículos que escribe Noam Chomsky, pero siempre pensé que era la oveja negra, que nadie le hacía caso. Pero el otro día, apareció en el programa de Bill Maher. Ése es el programa que hemos estado viendo, y tengo que decir que me alivia mucho ver que hay gente cabal hasta en los lugares más inesperados.


Can there be anything cuter than this thing all asleep? She's all furry and soft and hugable!! The only goddamn thing is that she's only like that when asleep. As soon as she wakes up, the doors of hell slam open and Satan himself pays a visit. So sad...!

Well, there is something cuter, and here it is... (drooling and more drooling here).
I'd eat this paw for beakfast dunked in milk... hmmm!!!

viernes, agosto 05, 2005


¿Puede haber algo más rico que este bicho durmiendo? Es como de felpa, ¡más blandita y abrazable! Lo único malo es eso, que sólo es monísima cuando duerme. Cuando se despierta, se abre el infierno y te viene el demonio a ver al salón. ¡Qué tristeza...!

¡Pues sí! Aquí está más rica aún... (babeo y más babeo).

Me comería esta patuca para desayunar mojada en el colacao... hmmm!!!


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